The Halloween Festivities were seemingly non-stop (and so much fun) this year... a far cry from one year ago, when Henry refused to wear his costume, could care less about candy (might be nice to turn the clock back on that one), and fell asleep before the first trick-or-treater arrived on our doorstep.
To recap, the celebration started the weekend before with a trip to the Botanical Gardens for the BOOtanical and the Giant Bugs exhibit (note, the super large ant in the background).
Then, on Thursday, we visited the Pumpkin Patch. Henry first tried lifting all the "biiiiiiiiiig" pumpkins...
... before deciding it was more fun to collect as many little ones as he could.
Together, we had a great time!
On Friday, it was overalls and "all aboard" (he really says it -so stinkin' cute) again for the parade and pizza party at school.
That evening, we joined our friends, Nick and Gabby, and their sweet little girl, Mia (aka, Henry's girlfriend, as evidenced above) for some yummy take-out and pumpkin carving. I think Gabby and I might have enjoyed it more than the kids, though.
And after all that, it was actually Halloween! The three of us went to a party, where the adults had to dress up too. Ben, being a former rugby player and a pack-rat, suggested we go as rugby players. Thankfully, he still had all his official gear! Then, we remembered Henry had a rugby jersey too (albeit about two sizes too small). So...
(Note, the mini-rugby ball and the headband, which he wore the ENTIRE evening.) After cracking open a pinata and lining up for pictures, we loaded the little ones into the wagon for some trick-or-treating. Needless to say, Henry had a great time!
1 comment:
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! An update!
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